In the heart of Michigan City, the dormant Warren Building, which was once a vibrant hotel, an office building, a Montgomery Ward, and a medical office building, was in need of repair. But more than repair, the Warren Building needed new life. Artspace USA, along with Tonn and Blank, the City of Michigan City, the Redevelopment Commission and numerous supporters and key stakeholders were able to bring the Artspace Uptown Artist Lofts project to life. Recognizing the historic fabric of the Warren Building, special attention was given to repairing the grand staircase, all exterior masonry and canopy details.
Artspace Uptown Artist Lofts
Project Features
73,700sqft revitalization project
44 residential apartments
Community event space
5 commercial spaces
Project Description
Our team was able to work with the City of Michigan City and the Redevelopment Commission to craft and execute a plan to make the necessary updates while maintaining the historic integrity of the building. The six-story building, built in the 1920s, which is a registered historic building by the Indiana Historic Preservation Office and the U.S. National Parks Service, now houses artists, and their families, as well as showcase their art within the first-floor gallery. The 73,700 square foot, $13.7 million dollar revitalization project, turned the Warren Building an inviting space for artists and includes 44 residential apartments, 5 commercial spaces, and a community event space on the 7th floor.
Project Completion: February 2016
Cost: $13.7M